Affinity Design Library: A Virtual Bookshelf

Filip Skrzesinski
Published in
2 min readSep 15, 2020


Colorful illustration of book covers in a grid
Illustration by Kaitlin Sullivan

Design as a craft is largely a product of labor — design-thinking, hands-on pixel pushing, creating documentation — all in the process of transforming an idea into reality. But what we read can say a lot about how we think, where those ideas come from, and ultimately, how we design.

When “____-from-home” is attached to more things than we’d like these days, one thing that’s certain is that we have more time… at home, and reading remains a good way to fill that time. We asked ourselves to take a look at our own bookshelves and chronicle not only design reference books, but also the ones that influenced our craft and creative endeavors in less direct ways: from cooking, to history, to poetry.

Part reading list, part functioning library, part portrait of our team’s collective knowledge, the design library aims to serve as both a practical resource and source of inspiration in our own corners of the world.

Check out some of our team’s book reviews below or visit the Airtable link to browse the entire library (or use it as a template for your own bookshelf!).

Our current selection of reviewed books

Note: In an effort to make it easy to find out more about each book & purchase, we’ve included links to do so. While many link to Amazon as it’s often the most affordable & convenient method, we encourage people to purchase from local, independent book sellers, especially during these times of hardship for small businesses.

